Friday, December 16, 2011

Bah Humbug

Well, the last fall semester of my college career is officially over. As depressing as it is, I'm kind of enjoying the fact that I no longer have to learn about Confucius, strategically analyze Hasbro, feed the needy of New Jersey, learn to communicate food, or speak in public. What a relief! In all honesty, I absolutely HATE that only one semester separates me from graduation. And the real world. It's the last thing I ever want to talk about, and chances are very high that I will physically injure you if you ask me what I'm doing with my life next year. Fuck you, in advance.

On the bright side, the holiday season is upon us. Thanksgiving was incredible. It will forever be my favorite holiday. But Christmas (and Hanukkah, of course) takes a close second. Now that winter break is finally here, there are a few things we all have to look forward to (and some that just I have to look forward to...after all the world DOES revolve around me, suckas):

Yumsville. Or if you're watching your figure, try Silk brand Soy Nog. It's bangin.

Preferably Buffalo snow, it's the best.
But only if you have the luxury of heat in your home...unlike Gay Street. Ups.

I've missed you.

...from home. Reunions are always merry. Sup Ibbs?

Fuck yeaaaah I'm going to Barcelona for a week with my sister after Christmas.
It's going to be a rip roarin' time. I'm pumped.

In the spirit of the season, I wish you all the merriest of Christmasses, the happiest of Hanukkahs, the best of Kwanzaas, and the sloppiest of New Years. Hopefully your blackouts are divine, your Christmas hams are cooked to perfection, and your furnaces are roaring. If you haven't heard me bitching about it yet, I'm shocked, but the residents of Gay Street live in the arctic. Come visit ;)

Later Haters.