Saturday, November 19, 2011

Sorry I'm Not Sorry

Yeah yeah yeah I know it's been a while since I've posted...mayyybe an entire semester has passed...but don't pretend like you don't check this site religiously to see if I've posted. I know, you're dying without my good looks and charm in your life, but take a sigh of relief and quit getting your panties in a bunch...the bitch is back. And sorry I'm not sorry for the extremely lengthy and unnecessary hiatus.

I'd love to say school, work, and friendz have taken over my life and made it literally impossible to throw together a quick blog entry, but let's be real: I'm lazy. So lazy that school, work, and friendz have all taken the back burner to sleep (occasionally), nothingness, and a whole bunch of bullshit. I'm on the verge of failing out of school, group projects are consuming my life, I'm broke as a motherfucker, and pretty much the most miserable person in the world to be around at all times. On the bright side, I'm finally 21 (hallelujah), and I'm still alive to take advantage of all the fun things this age has to offer!

Cue: Thanksgiving break. Could not have come at a better time. Who cares if I say this every year, it's true. Just when you've had it up to here with your life, you want to gauge your eyes out at the sight of a new email from school on your phone, the cupboards are bare, you have no clothes left in your closet and your laundry basket is overflowing, and you're craving stuffing like you haven't eaten since November last year, it's finally arrived. All hail tgivz'11.

Let's go through a few of the holiday highlights, O'Hara style:

First off: wine. Because we all know this is what really gets us through the holiday season.

Two Buck Chuck, a personal favorite

Keeping the tradition going strong, the infamous turkey pants. Over 40 years and still looking better than ever.

Because it's not Thanksgiving without them - a staple in every man's closet

And last but certainly not least, stuffing. Yup.

I dare you to pretend this doesn't make your mouth water. Just try.

And that, folks, is your Thanksgiving edition of Trish the Dish. I'll be back soon (not just saying that this time...I'll have plenty of time to spare once I flunk out of school in the near future) with some more seasonal highlights.

So take my advice and rage hard (biggest party night of the year what UP), eat harder, and drink hardest. Let's make this a tgivz to remember (maybe a little fuzzy), whether you're in Buffalo with the cream of the crop or anywhere else around the globe, have a very happy holiday and try not to vom in my pumpkin pie, bitch.